
SHE(Safety, Health and Environment) means the management system to minimize the danger and environmental effect in relation to the business of the company.


Buhmwoo puts top priority on environment and safety in our management.

We intend to take a role to preserve the global environment for better life of people through human and eco-friendly management. Since established the environmental management system in 1997 and the safety and health management system in 2006, we have made continuous improvement for environment and people’s safety by developing new eco-friendly products, minimizing the use of resources, reducing wastes and waste water, achieving the zero accident goal, etc.


Reduction of waste water and waste + Reduction of Energy consumption + Achievement of zero accident goal

SHE Policy


We evaluate the danger and environmental effect from our manufacturing process, products and service, and monitor and supervise the status on a regular basis according to the evaluation result.


We comply the SHE regulations and other requirements and make continuous improvement.


We minimize the use of resources and reduce the danger and pollution source from the manufacturing process, and keep the working environment pleasant.


We provide our customers with the optimal products and service through own research and development, and keep partnership with the customers in safety and environment management.


We offer regular training to all the employees to recognize the importance of safety, health and environment, and induce them to join.


We open the SHE policy to satisfy the right of stake holders to know.

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